The Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI) and Its Partners

South Africa, like many nations, grapples with the challenge of youth unemployment. With a burgeoning youth population eager to find its footing in the job market, the nation’s leaders realized the need for a robust and comprehensive strategy. Enter the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI). This initiative, designed to be a beacon of hope for South African youth, has not just promised change; it is actively fostering it.

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Understanding PYEI

The PYEI is not just another government initiative. It is a concerted effort that brings together various stakeholders to tackle youth unemployment head-on. At its core, the PYEI seeks to broaden the spectrum of opportunities available to young South Africans. Whether it’s gaining valuable work experience, connecting with potential employers, honing entrepreneurial skills, or exploring avenues for skills development, the PYEI serves as a compass guiding the youth through their professional journeys.

Several esteemed institutions back the PYEI, including the Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, the Department of Employment and Labour, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the National Youth Development Agency, and the Development Bank of South Africa. The combined expertise and resources of these entities ensure that the PYEI is not just another program on paper but a dynamic force in action.

Empowering Through Technology: mPowa

A standout partner of the PYEI is mPowa, a member of the SA Youth Network. mPowa has harnessed the power of technology to create a mobile app that serves as a bridge between the youth and a myriad of opportunities. Through mPowa, young South Africans can access location-based, profile-specific information about services in employment, education, and entrepreneurship close to them.

This isn’t just about job listings. mPowa offers a holistic view of the ecosystem that supports youth employment and entrepreneurship. From eKasiLabs and business incubators to technology stations, libraries, educational facilities, and training events, mPowa is a treasure trove of resources. It’s a tool that empowers the youth, making them aware of the vast array of support structures surrounding them.

Youth Employment Services (YES)

Another formidable ally in the PYEI’s mission is YES. This business-led collaboration is an innovation powerhouse, seeking transformative ways to rejuvenate the economy and provide youth with dignified employment opportunities. The 12-month quality work experience offered by YES is not just a job; it’s a lifeline. With a CV and reference letter in hand at the end of their tenure, these young individuals have a threefold greater chance of securing their next job opportunity.

National Youth Development Agency (NYDA)

The NYDA is a cornerstone in South Africa’s youth development landscape. This agency, dedicated to fostering and promoting youth development, offers a range of programs that bolster young entrepreneurs. Their presence on platforms like Facebook ensures they remain accessible and engaged with the youth they aim to serve.


The PYEI, with its network of partners like mPowa, YES, and NYDA, stands as a testament to South Africa’s commitment to its youth. These initiatives are not mere stopgaps but represent a sustainable and long-term strategy to combat youth unemployment. By leveraging technology, fostering collaborations, and continuously innovating, the PYEI and its partners are lighting the path for countless young South Africans, ensuring they don’t just find jobs but build careers and, in the process, shape the nation’s future.

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